"The Shining Ones: Ancestral Gold," a unique gold drawing series that fuses cartoon animation, intricately weaves together the bold, dynamic aesthetics of the timeless mystique of ancient creatures. Each artwork gleams with golden hues, bringing to life a world where legendary beings and vibrant characters coexist harmoniously.
The series delves into the lore of 'the shining ones'—mythical entities revered in various cultures for their divine radiance and extraordinary powers. Through the lens of comics, these ancient creatures are reimagined and infused with the spirit and traditions of several cultures. The drawings capture the essence of ancestral wisdom, the beauty of nature, and the power of myth, creating a visual tapestry that celebrates the intersection of fantasy and heritage. Each piece invites viewers on a journey through a fantastical realm where the past and present, myth and reality, converge in a luminous display of artistic interpretation.
The series delves into the lore of 'the shining ones'—mythical entities revered in various cultures for their divine radiance and extraordinary powers. Through the lens of comics, these ancient creatures are reimagined and infused with the spirit and traditions of several cultures. The drawings capture the essence of ancestral wisdom, the beauty of nature, and the power of myth, creating a visual tapestry that celebrates the intersection of fantasy and heritage. Each piece invites viewers on a journey through a fantastical realm where the past and present, myth and reality, converge in a luminous display of artistic interpretation.
The Shining Ones, drawings, series of 50, gold marker on black paper, 12X18, 2024